(Copied from my weddingbycolor blog here)
The booking details have been finalized! We're good to go for 11:30 am on Saturday, November 26th, 2011 at the Texas Renaissance Festival.
Goodness gracious, I'm sooo excited!!!
Okay, since I had originally planned to make a blog/guide about wedding experiences at the TRF, let me go ahead and list what I've gone through so far. There are, like, no first hand accounts from past brides at TRF, so I figured I'd go ahead and fill this void. Just for anyone who might be interested in booking there and is a detail-fanatic like me.
Let me first off state that my INITIAL interactions with TRF about wedding stuff weren't awesome. Don't let this cool you off though, because I'm fairly certain this is unique to our experiences and they most likely won't be something you'll have to endure...but let me explain.
Long story short, the TRF wedding staff was completely turned over somewhere around the end of December 2010 (for reasons that have never really become clear to me but aren't any of my business anyway). I only found out about this when FH and I went to a hat shop in Old Town Spring that sells at the Festival and the shop owner told us about it. I had originally agreed to meet her at the Bridal Expo and put down my deposit and agreement with her there, but now that she was miraculously gone, I wasn't sure that was still the case.
I attended the Houston Bridal Expo on January 8th, and I was met by two very charming women who answered all of my questions and were very helpful. They were actually in charge of Media Relations, but Gina (one of the ladies) would be heading up wedding stuff until a new staff was in place. Gina has been very helpful and has gone out of her way to get our date in place, and so it's all thanks to her that we've made it where we are now. =D
There will be a new staff in place soon, so I'm hoping things continue to move as smoothly. Like I said before, I think these issues were unique to my experience and won't be common place for those of you planning to book your wedding at TRF in the future. I just thought it'd be fair to let you know what my experience was like!
So my next post will probably be in relation to my dress, as I was going to order it once we had our date in place.
Edit- From now on, this will be my main wedding planning blog, just for anyone who cares. =)