Our new location is The Tall Ship Elissa in Galveston-

Ain't she puuurrrdy? Of course, she'll be docked during the ceremony (though it would be cool to have her out on the sea).
The docks right next to the Elissa will house our reception. I'm not sure, exactly, how I want that to look, but I have some ideas for decor-

I thought this was a cute idea for place settings. I'm not sure we'll have those, but the idea is cute.
I'm considering these as options for vendors-
Catering by Salsas of Galveston (Prices are dirt cheap, plus the family loves Tex-Mex.)
Rev. Bostock as our Minister (dude has got a great biz going there on the island. He'll marry you anywhere and he seems like a really nice guy)
The rest we're not sure about yet. But I do have a pretty cool mock-up of what our wedding part will hopefully look like.

I'm keeping the same dress as I love it sooo much. I really, really love the white/dark blue color scheme.
I'm really excited about this wedding idea, as I've always loved Galveston and always kinda hoped I'd get married there. So far, our budget is showing up as super, super cheap so I couldn't be more excited. =)
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